Course Payment Plans

Flexible Payment Plans Tailored to Your Success Journey!

Weekly Payment



This plan allows you to make payments on a weekly basis, providing you with the flexibility to manage your expenses more frequently and efficiently.

Bi-Weekly Payment


/2 Weeks

With the Bi-Weekly Payment Plan, make payments every two weeks, offering a balanced approach that aligns with your pay schedule.

Monthly Payment



The Monthly Payment Plan enables you to make payments once a month, ensuring a convenient and predictable schedule for managing your financial commitments.

One Time Payment


/One Time

The One-Time Payment Plan allows for a single, full payment at the beginning, eliminating the need for recurring payments and simplifying the payment process for you.

Our eBook

Unlock Wellness! Your Guide to Lymph-Chi Treatment. Transformative Insights for Optimal Health. Only $14

Embark on a journey of wellness with our groundbreaking ebook on Lymph-Chi Treatment. Discover the synergy between ancient wisdom from Traditional Chinese Medicine and cutting-edge scientific research, unraveling the intricate connections between the lymphatic system and the body’s energy systems. Explore how Chi blockages impact health and learn how this innovative approach can address physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Gain insights into techniques developed to optimize the mind-body connection and read inspiring success stories. This book is your key to achieving optimal health, vitality, and resilience—a holistic guide to transform your life.