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Dr. Tracy Rosa

With over 15 years of experience in massage therapy and advanced bodywork, Dr. Rosa is a renowned professional. Her extensive exploration into the intricate connection between the mind, brain, body, soul, and spirit has driven her continuous research on their collaborative harmony. Recognizing the powerful influence of the subconscious mind on physical well-being, Dr. Rosa expanded her expertise by studying hypnotherapy and earned her certification as a clinical hypnotherapist. Furthermore, she pursued and achieved her PhD in metaphysics, with a primary emphasis on understanding the metaphysical body and how it affects the physical body.

Dr. Tracy Rosa has endured personal trials, notably battling an autoimmune disorder named EDS that affects both her physical and metaphysical well-being. She has also faced weight changes due to a spectrum of mental, physical, and emotional challenges. These firsthand experiences have deepened her understanding of the wellness journey. Inspired by her own struggles, she has anchored her life in holistic health principles. Her challenges have equipped her with invaluable insights and empathy, fostering a genuine bond with those she serves.

Dr. Rosa's dedication to her clients' well-being led her to earn a PhD in metaphysics. As a Metaphysician, she specializes in holistic healing, mastering energy-based treatments such as Reiki, Qi Gong, Sound Therapy, Cranial Therapy, PEAT, and Polarity. These methods address both physical symptoms and the deeper mental and metaphysical origins of health issues.

Innovation defines Dr. Rosa's approach to healing. She has developed unique bodywork treatments that blend the insights of eastern and western medical traditions. These methods emphasize lymphatic care and holistic synchronization of both the physical and metaphysical bodies. Importantly, these treatments are designed to be less strenuous on the practitioner, ensuring a lasting career. This holistic approach benefits both clients and practitioners, promoting peak health, wellness, and daily vitality.

Dr. Rosa envisions a transformation in healthcare, advocating for a collaborative approach where western medical professionals, Chinese medicine experts, and alternative therapists unite. She aims to bridge the gap in medical understanding, providing a comprehensive and holistic healthcare model for everyone.

1 Course
6 Students